I never know what to say...

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Your average quirky kid living in the Pacific Northwest. I enjoy a great deal of things.Quoting sitcoms with my family, eating cold chinese food, baking poppyseed bread,exploring outside, reading classic literature, experimenting with a new crafts I've found online and going somewhere I've never been.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Last Night

Another long day hit me hard. I climbed up my staircase and crumbed onto an unmade bed.
I aimlessly searched for my Bible and notebook while trying not to actually leave my bed.
Holding them in my hands didn't bring joy, but frustration.
Do I have to read this now? 
Why didn't I read this morning?
A sigh escaped my lips. I lost my pen again. How could I write without it?
I'm too tired to read.
 I pulled the comforter over my head and fell asleep.

As my eyelids closed scenes from my life flashed in my mind.
Missoula, Montana in 2010. I chose to encounter God over a 30 minutes of sleep.
Luzon, Philippines in 2011. Several times Jesus was more important than rest.
Arlington, WA

I have spent many evenings/early mornings pouring over my Bible and praying.
Now 6:30 is too early to get up and pray and midnight is too late.
When did I start valuing rest over Christ?

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