From "A Hunger for God" by John Piper
- Fasting has been a ritual for centuries. Not exclusively Christian.Followers of God have used it well before Christ came to earth. Jesus was only recorded fasting once, for 40 days. In fact, it's implied in scripture that his followers didn't fast while he was on earth. But, he responded to questions that were raised by Jewish leaders by saying that it was pointless for the bride to fast when the bridegroom was present, and that they could do it once he left.
- God does not reward you for fasting. Any ritual does not automatically bring glory to him. The biggest thing is the state of your heart and the reason behind Why you are fasting.
- Fasting for the coming of the King. We are to anxiously wait his return. When you fast, it can be an exclamation point to a prayer to God. "This much, O Lord, we want you to return!" Anna and Simeon prayed and fasted as they waited for the Messiah to come the first time. They waited anxiously for that arrival. They were not even witness to Christ's ministry on earth, or see the ways Christ has used his bride after he left earth. Why shouldn't we be just as anxious for his return, if not much more?!
- Satisfaction can dull your spiritual senses and cause you to forget who is the ultimate provider of all your needs. Fasting awakes something deep inside us and reminds us of how like without food our bodies will not be satisfied, without pressing into God we will never be satisfied by what the world has to offer.
- Don't let it show on the outside how you are fasting. This is for God's glory, not your own. Again, the state of your heart is crucial regardless of if it is corporate fasting or private.
- Fasting to understand the pain others go through. " About a billion of the world's people live in conditions of absolute adequate food, clothing, shelter or medical care. 400 million are severely malnourished, 200 million of those being children." -Larry Libby
- Beware loving loving God rather than loving God. Instead of savoring the glory of God, savoring the atmosphere created by worship.
- If your fasting leaves you self indulgent in other ways(harsh towards others, irritable), it's not pleasing to God. Don't replace righteous living with rituals. How you treat people on Monday shows hows authentic your worship on Sunday was. Worshiping God should change you; fasting should change you for the better. It can be a tool used by God to conform you to his image. Let him change you!
- Fasting is meant to starve sin, not us. The righteous and wealthy can starve themselves, but for what reason? We are called to feed the poor and afflicted. What if we starved for them to eat? Example: Instead of eating out, put aside the money you would have spent and give it to those who are hungry.
- Isaiah 58 paints a picture of what biblical based fasting looks like. "Give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted". Our fast is not merely to deny ourselves but to supply the needs of others.
- We are not responsible for what we cannot do but for what we can do.
- Give not just material things, but of your souls so to satisfy the souls of others.
- "Who knows how much weakness is in us individually and in the church corporately because we are not pouring out our energy into the weakness of others?"
- God will be in front of us and behind us and in the midst of us with righteousness and glory.
- Prayer is not meant for the enhancement of our comforts but for the advancement of Christ's kingdom.
- God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in him.
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