I never know what to say...

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Your average quirky kid living in the Pacific Northwest. I enjoy a great deal of things.Quoting sitcoms with my family, eating cold chinese food, baking poppyseed bread,exploring outside, reading classic literature, experimenting with a new crafts I've found online and going somewhere I've never been.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Die to Yourself Daily

When I wake up 2 hours earlier than I'd like to for several days in a row, I get crabby. 
Then, I get convicted by the Spirit and remember what Jesus calls us all to do. 
Die to ourselves daily and to follow him. 
Maybe this is a tiny piece of what being a Christian is about; being willing to serve even if it means sacrificing a little sleep.
If I need to continue waking up earlier than I would like to do the things I am called to so be it. 

Luke 9:23
"And he said to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself  and take up his cross daily to follow me."

Taking it one day at a time. 

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